These Books Aren't All New??

Books are expensive. I tend to pick and review books that are both new & old. Many of these books you will be able to find on the shelves on your library as opposed to the front of your bookstore.

I believe that there are many hidden gems from years gone by & I enjoy highlighting those as well as today's best sellers.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Sisters Anitpodes, Jane Alison


This story of 2 families who become close and then end up switching husbands and mixing up the families, seems crazy until you realize that it's a true story. I think had this book been a work of fiction there would be more details, more depth to part of the story, but I think Alison did the best she could to peel back the layers of her crazy, confusing life.

This story is so compelling, it's really worth the read.

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