Twilight, Stephanie Meyer
Yes, I finally rolled around to the old bandwagon & hopped on. Since I have teen boys, this was one mania that never swept through out household. Well I'll be darned if I didn't see half of the mommy-blogging community declaring themselves devoted to this series of books. I guess it was the peer pressure that got me. I needed to know if I was team Edward or Jacob. I did post a bit about this here.
I really enjoyed the book, even though I was not too impressed with the character of Bella. I think this may be a result of reading many quotes from Kristen Stewart, the actress that plays her in the movie. Endearing is not a word I would use to describe Ms. Stewart.
The bonus of this post-movie-release reading experience is that fact that I could clearly picture the handsome Robert Pattinson in my mind when reading about Edward. I haven't seen the movie yet, but the internet & mags really couldn't be plastered much more with them.
I made my through the first half of the book in one evening, staying up late. And then he sparkled. I've had women explain to me that this was a crucial point, that allowed Edward to be out in the daylight, as long as the sun wasn't shining, I get that. I had already suspended disbelief enough to go with the whole family of vampires thing, but the sparkling just seemed like adding a set of jazz hands around the whole book.
Then next morning I resumed reading & did enjoy the rest of the book. I liked it, I got it. While it was obviously directed at the tween girls, I could see why the mommy-set was enchanted. Until I read New Moon...